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Locating Earned CMEINSTRUCTIONS FOR LOCATING OOA STATEMENTS OF CREDITPlease call us at 405-528-4848 for your credit statement or locate your credits on your OOA profile. Sign in to your profile, and look for "CME Hours" on the member landing page. That link will allow you to search for the CME hours earned through the OOA. Check back on how to access your credit statements on your member profile. We are in the process of moving to a new database and will have instructions for you soon. OOA-SPONSORED CME PROGRAMSThe Oklahoma Osteopathic Association keeps record of members' CME credits earned at OOA-sponsored events. Please see the instructions below for locating statements of credit for OOA-sponsored CME programs. If you have questions or need assistance, please call 405-528-4848 or 1-800-522-8379 or email [email protected]. Detailed letters of attendance are also available upon request. ONLINE CMEsThe Oklahoma Osteopathic Association posts many of our CMEs online through docme.org. DOCME offers multiple CMEs from different groups across the country. Additionally, there are CMEs available by specialty. To view the CMEs provided by the OOA, click here. OTHER CME PROGRAMSIf you need a statement of credit or certificate for a CME event not sponsored by the OOA, please contact the sponsor of the program directly. Other AOA-Accredited CME Sponsors in Oklahoma AOA CME ACTIVITY REPORTS & CME GUIDELINESThe American Osteopathic Association records all AOA CME credits earned by osteopathic physicians. Access your AOA CME Activity Report. If you have questions or need assistance, please call the AOA Customer Resource Center at 1-800-621-1773 ext. 8262 or email [email protected]. Click here to access the AOA CME Guidelines for the 2019-2021 cycle. The Oklahoma Osteopathic Association reports all members' CME credits earned at OOA-sponsored events to the AOA. If credit from an OOA-sponsored CME program is not appearing on your AOA CME Activity Report, please call 405-528-4848 or 1-800-522-8379 or email [email protected]. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOCATING OOA STATEMENTS OF CREDITPlease call us at 405-528-4848 for your statement of credit. Check back for instructions on how to access your statements of credit on your member profile. We are in the process of moving to a new database and will have instructions for you soon. *As a member benefit, the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association reports all members' CME hours to the Oklahoma State Board of Osteopathic Examiners and the American Osteopathic Association. If you have any questions regarding your CME hours, please contact the Central Office toll-free at 800-522-8379, and we will be happy to assist you! |